taking lecture note

By : Ahmad Fariz  ( Fakulti sains gunaan)
         Nur Suria ( Fakulti sains gunaan)
         P. Rozita ( Fakulti sains dan matematik)
     Taking effective note is a writing down the idea from lecture and reading in our own words.

Why take note?

  • pay attention
  - we taking a note show that we pay attention and focus on what are we actually studying and it  is proven that we understand the content of the whole note that we are taking. Even though you write a simple note or the note are only you understand what are you write , it doesn't  matter how long you take time to jot down the notes, it proven that you are show your effort to  pay attention on what lecture teaching.
  • improve  our memory
 - taking a creative note is also help us to memorize the important thing. Not everything about the   information we can keep in our mind. If we take a note it can improve our memory to be a   better mind and we  interested to read a reactive note so that we can avoid a forget person.
  • study for quiz, test/ final exam
-if we take note, it's can help us to study for quiz or exam so that we do not need to refer the book text . we also can easy to carry the note everywhere we go out or even while at bus stop because the material is well organized.
  • take ownership of idea
-note also ownership our idea because when we take note, make our mind more idea  to flow writing and make a simple note with creativity.
  • organize and process data and information
-note that you did yourself is more understanding and well organized compare to the book text. it also useful record of where the information came from.
  • helps the lectures test students on how well captured given information.
-lecture can test student by checking how the student write their own note .

why review note
🎈we lost 80% of what we hear if it is not reviewed within a few hours
🎈identify any questions for peers, the next class, of ask the professor
🎈there is not enough time to absorb all the information given in class if it's not reviewed on a regular basis
🎈think: " if I were tested on this lecture tomorrow would I ace it?" make it so!

 material to take note

pensil, pen, highlight , eraser
✎A4 paper, notebook, loose leaf-paper, stick note,
✎binder, file paper, folder.

Before attending class

 before you came to class, make sure review the notes that have study yesterday or even the next chapter.
- this is can make you memorize what you have learnt before and also if you read the next chapter , this easier to you understand what will lecture teach in class.

review your reading assignment

-it can help you more understand what  you should do for your assignment.

 make sure you  have stationary like paper,text, pensil/pen, handout

 every time you write your note, don't forget to put date at the top of your paper note.

- this is so important to check the date in case you forgot to the important date like deadline of your assignment or final exam.

 make sure you leave spaces between the line or small space in your note.

-you can add what important things are lecture said.

physical factors

- near the front and center  : better vision, better hearing, the place you can see clearly.

- avoid distraction: doorway, window, glare , peers , place that have loud noise.

how do we take note

📔 write the date and label note
📔give ourselves space to write
📔use abbreviations and symbols
    -what are some example of symbols and abbreviation?
     - eg: example
     -act: actually
      -👀: look up
📔 use an outline to show
    -main idea, support details, example
📔use your own word or language

useful abbreviations

!! - important                           N-noun                    Adv- adverb

??- not clear                              S- subject              Ex-example
🌟-on test                                  O- object                pg-🌘
→ -cause/link                           V-verb
+ or & -and                                Adj- adjective
@- at

how do we prepare for class?

  • do pre-reading and homework
  • review syllabus
  • preview previous notes
  • look up key words prior to class
  • plan on listening 80% of the time and 20% of the time
  • write the date on the top of tour paper notes
while taking notes
💦 be an aggressive, not a passive, listener
- always ask question if you do not understand or not clear . don't be shy to ask any question.
-discuss if its permitted. if not, jot question in your note so that when you refer at your note, it is can give more knowledge to you.

key actions to note as you observe your instructor
🌊  be alert to repetition 
- when your lecture repeats a specific point, make a note of it.
🌊 watch the board or overhead projector
-if your lecture write something at whiteboard, it means the material is important
🌊notice the lectures' interested level


The Cornell Note-taking system


mapping method

sentence method

How do we review after class?

review note along with the book
➤create your own example
➤discuss and compare note with other
➤re-write note
➤practice those skill you wish to develop
➤ask the lecture for clarification

rememmber  SQ4R

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